Aerial and Other Videos
Aerial photography and videography with drones have become an important part of my work. Nothing helps tell the story of a place than views from above that put the place in context. Sometimes the aerial scenes get incorporated into longer films like my "Mongolia in Winter" documentary where the most compelling scenes in the film were all shot with a drone. But often I'll make a 3 to 4-minute video with the intent of setting it to music. Audio/visual poetry is what I'm after. Here are a few of those. For more of my video work go to my Vimeo page.
OK, nothing aerial about this one, but it is a meditative piece. Shot through my bedroom window in Djúpavík, Iceland on a rainy, rainy day.
I love this one, although the flight was aborted due to a full memory card and extremely high winds.
Another flight at a favorite location near Djúpavík, Iceland.
A meditative piece examining wave movements from above. I especially like Steve Tibbetts’ guitar work.
Aerial video taken on Viðoy in the Faroe Islands. Shot with a Phantom P4 Pro on an incredibly beautiful day.
Aerial video from the Faroe Islands.